Friday 10 October 2014

skill audits

looking back at my AS year in media i believe that i have came a long way from the beginning of the year. i realised that i am now able to produce work independently now that i have great experience in editing, filming and even blogging. at the beginning of the academic year i saw that i wasn't able produce good enough bloggs and spoke to my teachers on how i could improve them and in my spear time i chose to edit them and produce better quality bloggs. i believe that i have improved on other aspects of media for example essay writing and analysis, i revised and several days and weeks and now i believe that i am able to analyse media products in a maturer way and detailed in way that makes quality understanding and meaning.

things that i done to improve theses aspects of my skills;

  • I noted down everything in my lessons that was going to be useful for my bloggs and what i may e blogging about at the time.
  • I documented all of my sheets and handout that was again going to be useful to me when i was going to need them and revise of off them. 

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