Friday 3 October 2014

Analysis of costume, settings and locations.

Costume, settings and location:

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Q1: what do you notice about the amount of costumes used in the videos?
In both the R&B and House music videos the participants and performers don't change their outfits this is because of the time frame they are doing the video in, is meant to represent a day. Whereas the pop music video introduces a few costume changes to add a sense of versatility and add to the videos aesthetics.
Q2: what differences are there between the genres in terms of the amount and style of the costumes?
In all of the videos there are a lot of people involved so there was a variety of outfits to hand, however there were similarities within each video in the style of clotting one was quite individual and eccentric, whereas another was quite dressy and the pop music video enhanced a more relaxed approach in the outfits.
Q3:compare the use of settings and location between the three genres- what similarities and differences can you spot?
There aren't any similarities in the settings and locations of these genres as they are trying to present and communicate different ideas and themes. which would be a difference as for R&B the theme of living the high life with no cares is what is being shown with the setting of a party. For the House genre the theme of being yourself and defying convention is strongly at the forefront as the participants are given a blank canvas to perform in front of and are given create freedom, last but not least the pop music genre usually tries to include whatever theme the lyrics are representing and so the settings and locations are set t match this.
Q4: How significant is the use of props in the genres that you analysed?
The props in all these genres are significant as they relate either the personalities of participants or enhance the settings to make it understandable and more realistic for the viewers.

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