Friday 3 October 2014

Research: Lip Sync Prelim Music Video Reflection

I think that our music video, although didn't necessarily stick to Vernalis' theory, was a relatively generic video for the 'dark alternative pop' genre that we were looking at. A lot of the concept behind our video relied on the stillness of the camera to be able to make clean cuts for a very fast edit so that the background didn't move. Our video didn't carry narrative because we didn't think that our 50 seconds would be enough to convey anything, but we still decided to add a variety of different shot types and cut aways.
We used 4-5 different base tracks, but because they were all filmed in the same location the time didn't really matter. The tripod moved a bit when filming so there are some jumps around in the edit, but we wouldn't have had time to re shoot. In Final Cut, I lip synced up the tracks and attempted at the circle style opening to the song (which we put cut aways over for the first section of it),. I think apart from the cut aways at the beginning, we kept very close to our already relatively vague story board. We thought about costume and location, and incorporated the prop that was thrown upon us on the day. I'm unsure how to feel about the outcome of our music video, i thnk that we did quite well but because the only ones that i am open to are extremely big budget and professionally made it makes ours look extremely low budget and messy. However i am happy we experimented with different styles, and i think we can learn from our mistakes and go for something a bit closer in our reach next time,

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