Friday 10 October 2014

planning- Analysis of original video and how ours will differ.

Storyboard for the original music video.
This music video includes the theme of violence, which is quite dark and sinister this is added to through the choice of lighting-dark and un-flattering-. Additionally, editing within the music video enhances this as well, as throughout the music video slow motion is used to insure the viewers understanding as the whole video is quite complex in the sense that it is in reverse and so has been slowed down for effect, as well as for the advantage of the viewers. As for the storyline in the music video, it can be seen as quite daunting to the viewer as the impression given is one of domestic violence up until the last minute or so of the music video where it is evident that instead of there just two participants there are three of them and one is his wife who is bound in a cupboard which makes you realise that the woman he is fighting with is actually an intruder and poses a threat to the married couple. 

How will our music video differ?
There will definitely be the theme of violence and distress for both participants within our video as we are trying to create a dark sinister theme like what is portrayed within the original music video. However locations will change in our music video rather than being stagnant and in one location a forest, the streets and a group members home will be used. It was discussed that we would try to imitate the lighting shown in the original music video, however it was decided that due to the lighting outside we would try to keep it natural. Our story line differs also as there is actual domestic violence going on which will make it more personal for the viewers, as well as this our music video will give a brief showing of the violent encounter between the two participants before going into the ways in which he deals with himself after he'd killed his partner, which isn't shown in the original video. 

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