Friday 3 October 2014

Research: Synergy activity

                                       Coldplay: Ghost stories
This is the album cover of 'Ghost stories'. The cover illustrates a pair of wings in front of the scenery of an ocean underneath the night sky. Within the wings there are medieval drawings of contemporary objects and concepts. It has quite a dark and mysterious feel to it, yet it's quite serious. which informs their audience that the album will be quite deep and in tune with genuine feelings of the band members. 

Teaser trailer, TV special
within this trailer the band are seen performing live at a concert, and so it is naturally expected that the lighting would be quite engaging and of a high frequency which is what they produced.However, the idea of a burst of colour on a dark background is kept and there is also a link to the album cover as wings are introduced in the show in the form of a dove.

I have been researching various music videos of different genres and analysing links and differences between their media products. And i have realised that from the time of marketing and promoting the artists upcoming albums there is a certain image and brand created along with it to link the media products too one another in order to engage their audiences and make it easier to identify and link to the artist. I decided to conduct some research on a popular alternative band called 'Coldplay', and have discovered their recent album 'Ghost Stories' which includes nine songs and is consistent in showing links in all their chosen media products I chose to analyse, which was the album cover, the teaser trailer and two music videos linked to the songs 'magic' and 'midnight'. Cleverly the band have given the titles of the songs on the whole album a mysterious or dark feel to co-relate with the album cover.



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