Friday 24 October 2014

Planning: The reason behind our name - Leanne

We decided to name our artist 'Twenty Two'.
We originally had many names in mind eg 'Iolo', 'Franceo' however we decided against using a 'normal' name as we are an alternative band and decided to go for an alternative name. We wanted to call ourselves '22' however it has been pointed to us that people may get confused and call us 'twotwo' instead of twentytwo. However, we will be using both the number and the word twenty two.

We were inspired by other alternative bands such as 'Red Hot Chilli Peppers' who do not use a name or any of their real names for the band.




And there are many, many more alternative artists that do not make their name their performance name. I have included some of their work to show you that it is similar to the type of genre that we wish to do.

Alternative artists currently in the charts. None of them have their own name. It seems that it is a convention of the alternative genre to almost have 'an alter ego' or name yourself something else.

Alternative artist music that is considered as highlights.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Planning: Performing & Narrative

Within our group, it has been decided that we will be using actors/other people to star in our music video to tell a story and for performance purposes and the artist will only tell the narrative. However, I think that it will be better for the artist to both tell the narrative and star in the music video. This is for a number of reasons, including:

- relying on other people in our group may not be a good idea as they may decide that they do not want to or end up having other plans. Using the people in our group makes things more likely to go to plan.

- although I do understand that we do not want to portray our artist in a negative light as our storyline involves drugs and murder, many other artists star in their music videos aswell as narrating, and the narratives are not always positive eg

Genres outside of ours:

Rihanna - Man down
Where the artist, Rihanna, shoots and kills a man who sexually abused her and then goes on the run.

Drake - Hold on we're going home
Where Drake, the artist, uses guns and raids houses to free a captured girl.

I understand that these examples are outside of our genre, however below is a genre that is similar to ours, although the narrative is not negative, the artist still performs as well as narrating.

Lana del rey - national anthem

Friday 17 October 2014

Planning: Making Storyboard & Anamatic


The list of shots that we decided to include into our storyboard/anamatic and that we will use in our video

The start of storyboarding. A few ideas that I put together (leanne) before we created our official one.

Importing the music onto final cut pro to make our anamatic

All the pictures that we imported to make our anamatic

Friday 10 October 2014

Planning-Analysis of website for original artists.

Analysis on original Digipak/CD for my final song choice.

Album Cover art. 
The cover art of Alt-j's 2012 album entitled 'an awesome wave' is made up of three satellite images derivative of the Ganges River Delta which is located in Bangladesh. This image was edited in order to make it Multi Layered, meaning in order to get this cover art they had taken three separate images taken at different times and compressed them all into one. They decided to call this piece 'Ganges Dazzling Delta' which exposes a multitude of colours arising from the variations in background radiation occuring between these three images. Although this image is of an actual existing thing it still appears to be quite abstract which co-relates with the bands consistent theme of abstractness  within their image as well as album art. It is highly noticeable that the cover doesn't include any text which is slightly abnormal. However, this shows that they have a strong connection with their target audience as no introductions or outlines are needed for their fans to recognise their work. It also suggests that they had made sure to do a lot of advertising for this particular album to make sure its recognisable to others.

CD cover art.
The actual CD's look is quite minimalistic with a simple off white background and classy band of their track list printed in various shades of brown, and in different fonts around the perimeter of the CD. This would have undoubtably evoke intrigue within their fans and buyers due to the strong contrast in themes and colours between the image on the front of the Album cover and the CD.
Back of album cover art.
The idea of simplicity is carried out from the CD to the back of the album cover which is quite interesting as their is a rapid change in the feel of the cover art from the front to back, Although throughout there is constant use of one colour which i would say is an off white or grey, and i believe that it is through this colour that the whole album cover is linked and shows continuity. A barcode is presented at the back to insure that it's available to purchase in store. Furthermore, two contributing companies are presented through their logos and further information and details on the production of the album and the album itself is included in small print.

planning-Draft Digipak and Advertisement

Front digi-pak album cover.

CD cover for digi-pak. 

Back of Album cover. 

planning- Analysis of original video and how ours will differ.

Storyboard for the original music video.
This music video includes the theme of violence, which is quite dark and sinister this is added to through the choice of lighting-dark and un-flattering-. Additionally, editing within the music video enhances this as well, as throughout the music video slow motion is used to insure the viewers understanding as the whole video is quite complex in the sense that it is in reverse and so has been slowed down for effect, as well as for the advantage of the viewers. As for the storyline in the music video, it can be seen as quite daunting to the viewer as the impression given is one of domestic violence up until the last minute or so of the music video where it is evident that instead of there just two participants there are three of them and one is his wife who is bound in a cupboard which makes you realise that the woman he is fighting with is actually an intruder and poses a threat to the married couple. 

How will our music video differ?
There will definitely be the theme of violence and distress for both participants within our video as we are trying to create a dark sinister theme like what is portrayed within the original music video. However locations will change in our music video rather than being stagnant and in one location a forest, the streets and a group members home will be used. It was discussed that we would try to imitate the lighting shown in the original music video, however it was decided that due to the lighting outside we would try to keep it natural. Our story line differs also as there is actual domestic violence going on which will make it more personal for the viewers, as well as this our music video will give a brief showing of the violent encounter between the two participants before going into the ways in which he deals with himself after he'd killed his partner, which isn't shown in the original video. 

Planning - mood board - Ebony

Visit ebony's profile on Pinterest.
Here is our mood board, the majority of our inspiration comes from the style of our audience, this is so that our artist can create an image customised for them instead of taking the inspiration from an already existing artist. We wanted to be original and feed of of the desires of our target audience. As well as this, our mood board is quite minimalistic this is because of the simplicity we are trying to achieve we wanted to go for a dark natural look rather than the synthetic and bright loud profiles of certain mainstream artists such as Nicki Minaj or chris brown.

planning-letter requesting copy write clearance-ebony

As for copy write clearance we made sure to pose a professionally written letter in order to convey our seriousness and ability to show our understanding of certain rules and regulations circulating within the music industry. 

Planning- short list of potential songs-ebony

During our discussions about which song to use for our final idea we came down the idea of getting the song from the Alternative music genre and decided on four songs to shortlist. This is because they each sported the same lighting and music they are videos that included dysjuncture. which is what we originally wanted to go for.
Idea 1: Riptide- Vance Joy 
This video is the perfect example of dysjuncture as the video doesn't relate to the actual song. This video was really inspiring to our group simply because of the obvious edits  throughout as well as the natural lighting in the video. 
  • Idea 2: I need- Maverick Sabre  
we chose this video because of the way the performer is also the main character within the narrative and so the audience is able to relate to him more than if it were other external actors. Similarly to the previous video natural lighting is used throughout which seems less synthetic and more relatable and  realistic. 
  • Idea 3:Breath- Maverick Sabre 
This video was a strong contender due to it's editing scheme there were certain special effects added to the music video to give a dreary feel and look, which is what we was thinking about going for. As well as this, the performer isn't involved in the narrative which posed the idea of a conventional music video.
  • Idea 4: Breeze blocks- Alt-J 
This song was definitely the strongest choice for our group because it included everything we wanted to add to our music video for the editing aspect of things, slow motion is posed all throughout the video to insure that the viewer is clear on the narrative as it is in reverse. 

Planning: Pitch - Evaluation - Leanne

The main critic for the group of our pitch is that we lacked detail. Although we knew our concept and had a clear video direction, we could not show them because of the technical difficulties with our anamatic. As someone accidentally did not save the videos on to the hard drive, we lost half of our footage. This was a set back and means that we are taking longer to prepare it.

In addition, the risk assessment did not have enough detail, which I was personally responsible for and will amend by adding more detail to ensure that our actors are not harmed whilst making it our music video.

We were also told to add more detail for our audience and make it more specific.
In addition to that, we all had to make our own digipaks and expand on the initial idea of our music video and explain where we go the information from. This will come in the next blogs to come as we plan to improve our pitch to ensure everyone is clear on what we're doing & to ensure that everyone is aware that everyone will be safe during the making of our music video. 

Planning: Pitch - Social Media - Leanne


Planning: Pitch - Risk assessment - Leanne

Planning: Pitch - Production Schedule -Ebony

Planning - Pitch - Animatic - Leanne

Planning: Pitch - Storyboard - Iolo

This is the story board that we are using to make our music video. There are some bits that just say base tracks but that is because the main part of ours is the narrative and although we will think about what clips look good together, the emphasis was more on the storyline.

Planning: Pitch - Theory-Ebony

Planning: Pitch - Industry-ebony

 In order to document this blog I used an iPhone app which is called ABC notes to record the questions and answers necessary to the subject of this 'industry' blog. However I had to email this to myself and then upload it on here.

Planning: Pitch - Post Production-Ebony

Following the above link you will be directed to the post production plan. 

Planning: Pitch - Draft Digipak and Advertisement - iolo

Concept front cover for digipak

Planning: Pitch - Synergy - Leanne

Throughout all of the artist's products, there will be key features that will remind the audience of our artist.  For example, Daft Punk having the recurring theme of space. We will also have a recurring theme in our products. This will be the sea/the river. We have already considered our artist's album cover and we have a preview of what we think it may be like:

Containing our theme of the river/the sea.

In addition to that, our music video will be based around the theme of the river as it is part of the storyline as the lyrics talk about the sea and it will be key in our music video.

Planning: Pitch - Costume - iolo

 Although our demographic is aimed at a certain style demographic, music videos that use narratives normally follow relatively mainstream looking characters for the story, maybe to not dissuade larger audiences. For this reason when picking the outfits (especially for the male) i didn't want to use particularly eye catching colours or anything so i sticked with a natural colour scheme, these characters backstory isn't important in the video so their outfits shouldn't try to show personality.
I chose something a bit more colourful for the singers outfit because they're what the audience is supposed to relate to. Oversized shirt jackets are pretty commonplace with try hards so i wore that. We will not use any costume changes throughout our music video because the narrative takes place in one day so we will be trying to correlate with that.

Planning: Pitch - Setting and Location - iolo

These are the main locations that we plan to use but it was very sunny when i went out taking the photos and we will film early in the morning so that there is diffused light instead of harsh shadows that ruin photos.

Planning: Pitch - Audience 2- hamit

This is a draw up of our target audience showing all the details and what our target audience requires to be an alternative indie fan.

i also asked the fans of Alt-J the question that is going to support us to produce a music video that is going to impress them and draw the target audience towards the music video.

Planning: Audience 1- hamit - REDO


Core Audience and Wider Audience;

The genre for our music video is alternative indie so the core audience is mainly targeted at teens within the age group 16-20, these teens would be the type of people that listen to bands and live stage performers. for example the song that we have chosen is  "Breeze Blocks" by a band called Alt J. They are an alternative indie band and the song follows this genre. this is a band made from performers within the ages of 20-30 but the songs that they produce is suitable for teenagers that like the genre alternative indie.

the wider audience of this song would be to all indie fans that listen to Alt J. these people could very from really young to really old depending on what choice of song they like to listen from the band.

the audience would have expectations from the band and to help draw the attention of the audience and appeal it towards them would consider using the same outfit types and similar story line to the original song to keep up there expectations for the audience. this may very from the way alt j or the actor would pact and presents its self in the video. the audience would want it to match with the original music video. we would have to replicate a perfect match of the video so we impress the audience and get good feed back.