Wednesday 26 November 2014

Skills development

Personally, i realised that for my AS project i didn't go into enough detail about each aspect of the planning process for example when it came to building up the story board the images drawn to illustrate each scene were quite vague and simple, whereas now despite my inability to draw amazing images I was able to compensate through detailed annotation on the different things that will be focused on in each scene. Another place where I thought I was able to show my growth in the way I conducted certain planning tasks, was when i looked at the original music video to our chosen song and analysed it. For example, Last year we viewed pervious student films however didn't storyboard them, further more, what we did see wasn't exactly relative to the production we were looking to make-in terms of genre-. whereas, this year plenty of background research has been put into it and through this I have been able to get a better grasp on what I'm doing. So I would definitely say that my analysing skills have improved and I have developed the ability to pinpoint relevant information and use it to enhance and support the work i'm producing through my blogs.

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