Friday 28 November 2014

short list of potential photos I may use in my digi-pak and advertisement.

The two pictures above show the performer 'twenty-two'. I decided that Iolo should be the main focus on the digi-pak I am creating and so he is the main accessory in both images. I decided to go with the
second image, simply because it is a full frontal image of his face with the correct expression, which is what I wanted to capture for my album cover and advertisement. I like this image also because of its simplicity which is something I have been trying to achieve in the designing of my digi-pak and advertisement. and with this particular image I will be able to enhance that idea. It's not to say that I didn't like the first image, but I felt that the prop (the cacti) was quite random and it didn't match what I am going for at this time. it also looks quite morbid which I don't think is the right way to go when trying to attract the type of audience I am looking to attract, in general they are fun loving people and I don't think that image matches that.

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