Tuesday 18 November 2014

Analysis of video I saw

Recently, on a music channel, I saw a music video by taylor swift called "Blank Space". The video is below.

There are several different costume changes within the video. I counted a total of around 15. This may be to show the amount of time that has passed within the music video, as there many repeat locations of around 4, but several different costume changes. In this case, it makes sense to have the amount of costume changes and different locations there were.

I also noticed that this video is split into narrative and performance, like many other videos with the artist herself both "narrating" and acting in the music video. The video is very heavy on narrative as I only counted around 3 basetracks and 1 basetrack that was frequently visited throughout the whole video. Although, sometimes it was hard to differentiate between the base tracks and the story as she lip syncs as she's acting as well. I think that sometimes throughout the video I think it was effective, however as she did it throughout the whole video and every scene, I do not think its effective and can come across a little comical and cheesy - which she may have actually been going for but i'm not sure. In comparison to our music video that we are producing, I'm glad that we have kept the storyline and performance completely different as I do not think lip syncing whilst acting is effective. Especially as if she did want it to light and comical, she could because it's an upbeat genre and the video can be seen as quite funny, however ours is completely different and more serious and we would not like it to come across as comical.

In a lot of music videos, the camera is constantly moving; either panning or zooming or following the artist. Although the camera does do this quite a bit in this music video, the camera is also static a lot of the time and does not move. Especially while there is a lot going on in the frame or when there is fast edits for example the close ups of the actors. We have also incorporated this in our music video that we are currently in the process of editing, as although there is camera movement in some base tracks and scenes, we have purposely decided not to in the others as there will be fast edits or something that we want to audience to focus on in the video.

Whilst watching this video I also noticed that only some of the editting was to the beat. A lot of it was purposely a little off the beat or the beat was completely ignored and the edits were according to when the narrative needed it. There is also a lot of slow motion in and throughout the video. At the moment, we have only added slow motion to the end bits of our music video because we did not want it to be too much slow motion, however after watching this music video and many other music videos, I have noticed that there is lots of slow motion throughout their videos and it looks perfectly normal so we may add some more to ours.

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