Tuesday 4 November 2014

Planning: Filming - what went wrong

What Went Wrong

Whilst we were filming, I noticed that a few things did not go to plan.

1. The weather!
As it is now winter time, we assumed that the weather would be gloomy and miserable with a lot of cloud and maybe some rain. We decided that this would be perfect weather for our video as it is not a very happy song and the mise-en-scene would reflect the mood of the song. However, the weather decided to be sunny. The sun shone very bright and it was warm. There was not a lot we could do about this as the forecast was predicted to be like that for the rest of the week. This changed the lighting and I feel like this kind of lighting would be perfect for pop videos/more happy upbeat songs however for dark alternative indie music, I'm not so sure. In addition to changing the mise-en-scene, it was very difficult to film as it was too bright and some shots were overexposed.

2. Time
It seems like we underestimated the amount of time that we needed to film. As we dealt with many difficulties that led to a lot of time being wasted eg spending a lot of time trying to find the location, we found out that we ran out of time very quickly. Especially since we used external people who were not in our media group, they had other things to do so we had a time limit. I felt like this caused a lot of the shots to be rushed when filming, and resulted in us not being able to do as many scenarios and retakes as I would have liked. Furthermore, we couldn't film all of the scenes we had originally planned to eg. we could not do any of the basetracks on the first day of filming as planned as the artist/performer did not know the lyrics and in the end we couldn't do the under water shots as the go pro was not charged.

3. Storyline
As we were filming, we started to realise that some of our storyboard, without the audience knowing the backstory, did not make sense. We had decided that we did not want to audience to know the backstory of the actors as it did not really matter to the music video, however last minute we decided to add in a little of the backstory of the actors so the audience could understand and relate to the music video more as otherwise we realised it could be quite confusing. For example, we had originally planned for the actors to be walking in the park and then start arguing which eventually leads to the murder of the woman, however we saw how the audience could question why they would randomly start arguing, so we added some background for it to make sense.

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