Friday 28 November 2014

Production of music video: Improving rough cut

As we got improvement points for our rough cut, today in workshop we have already started to tweak the rough cut in order to make it better. We also did additional things that was not fed back to us by the audience that we thought would make the video better.

In this shot, we slowed down the videos of the girl in the water so it would have more of an impact of the audience. 

We changed the guitar shot that we used as we felt the framing was slightly off. We decided to use the shot of the guitar on the left instead.

The four shots below shows us listening to the audience feedback and removing most of the door shot. We felt that we couldn't get rid of all of it as it would look weird if he was just walking on the street then suddenly in his house. However the shot is much shorter and looks more effective.

We got mixed opinions about this shot. Some people suggested that the shot is too long and that we should cut between it however others praised us and said that the amount of time it was was effective as it's a very slow bit in the song and it contrasts with the fast paced edits and song in the next bit.

We was also advised to put steadicam on our shots. We tried it on this shot, and we have decided we may just have to use another shot. Although steadicam makes the camera more smooth, it makes the clip considerably blurry and it is very noticeable in comparison to all of our other clips.

In this session, we also added some breaks in between the narrative as I felt that it was too much narrative at one point. We broke this up between the performance and the narrative and slowed and sped up some of the clips. In addition, we fixed the end bit of our music video as we felt that that was our main problem anyway. We cut between basetracks and cutaways, and removed the bird like the audience fed back to us, and we also added some repeat narratives into the ending.

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