Friday 26 September 2014

Resarch for a music video: Andrew Goodwin 'dancing in the distraction factory'

                                                   Andrew Goodwin

Andrew goodwins theory explores the idea that the traditional narrative analyses doesn't neccessarily apply to music videos, especially ones dedicated to pop music genre. Meaning that their approach to creating and presenting a narrative is of a different angle to novels or films.

within this theory different reasons for the narrative structures are given, which are:
  1. pop videos are built around songs and don't pose traditional narrative structures ( normality-problem-resolution)
  2. the pop video uses the singer both as narrator and as a character
  3. the singer often looks directly at the camera- this is an extension of performance and trying to involve the viewer at home with the performance.
Furthermore, Goodwin introduced three types of relations between songs and videos in his theory:
disjuncture:This is where there is little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyric. An exapmle of this would be the song 'Titanium- David Guetta ft sia' where there is no corelation between the narrative and song.

illustration: This is where the video tells the story of the lyric "pap don't preach" (Madonna) for example. Dance is often used to express the feelings/moods in the song. I've researched this concept and have found that Sevyn Streeter's song ' I like it' epresses this well through this technique.
amplification: Amplification occurs when the videos introduce new meanings that do not contradict with the lyrics but add layers of meaning . so for example I believe that the music video linked to 'K. Michelle- Can't raise a man' is a perfect example of this as she explores various domestic themes throughout the narrative.

As well as this, Songs that promote other commodities such as a popular movies/films, mainly rely on repetitive showings to the public in order to gain some exposure and viewings. A classic example would be Whitney Housten created a song which was dedicated to her love interest in the movie 'The Body Guard', coinsidentally she was the main actress of the movie and so became the Narator as well as the performer of the song.

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