Saturday 17 January 2015

Q4 // What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We got audience feedback for our music video on two separate occasions, when we showed the rough cut to the class and then again after the screening at the cinema. The feedback from the rough cut was significantly more helpful as we hadn't yet completed the video, and we still had time to make any alterations that were needed.  The feedback from the rough cut is underneath, and from the cinema on the left. When we showed our rough it wasn't completed(just at the end), but thankfully we also had constructive criticism for the bits we thought we'd already finished so we went and made the changes. The theme of the criticism seemed to be about speeding up the edits so that it wasn't as slow, as well as removing a couple of unnecessary shots (we had one of a bird and a door opening but the later slowed down the scene too much)which we then acted upon. The feedback from after the screening was all positive, with a couple of people noting how they particularly liked the narrative 
aspect of our music video and they didn't know really how to improve it(although it would've been a bit late anyway). I think that audience feedback is really important because the purpose of a music video is for marketing, and if you're audience aren't responsive to it then it won't be successful. 

I also got feedback from my ancillary products, mostly on the two adverts that i made. I had generally positive feedback; people said that they liked the obvious synergy between the music video and digipak with the falling and water themes. One person said that they preferred the advert on the left, but understood why I made the second one and liked that it was more informative. She also said that she liked how my ancillary products worked as a set, with the monochromatic colour scheme and themes and fonts running throughout.

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