Friday 16 January 2015

evaluation question 4. what have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Whilst editing our music video, there was a constant stream of feedback throughout the time we spent editing as questions were asked about the effectiveness of different effects we wanted to include. As well as this, we were given the oppurtunity to present our rough cut to the class, plenty feedback was given and I have previously blogged about this stage on Friday 28th of november 2014. This feedback was important to me as through it I could pinpoint the major issues surrounding my music video and make the correct adjustments to it in order to make the music video more acceptable.

I have documented all of the feedback I have recieved for the majority of my production pieces and have been able to reflect on the reactions and ideas posed through them all. For example upon close examination of the feedback specifically taken for my media products I was able to grasp the importance of being able to clearly incorperate links between my ancillary texts and music video. This became apparant to me when the majority of my feedback consisted of a similar theme which was the obvious link between all my products (which thankfully was a success). Additionally, I learnt that a narrative can be one of the most effective ways to capture your audience as the changing of settings and locations keep the production interesting. I also learnt that within a music video there needs to be constant changes between scenes and effects in order to captivate an audience that have become accstom to an upbeat style of editing within media products. Lastly I realised that not all ancillary products created for the promotion of a particular Music video or album will have links through the design aspect, as this can be achieved in other ways like through the text and production information or the layout of your media texts that could show clear co-relations between all your production pieces.This is what the people giving feedback had pointed out to me. 

 Finally, udience feedback is particularly important because essentially it is the primary marketing tool used to ensure sales and the success of your artist. All in all, the mixed media products you create are constructed through the process of taking on feedback given by your target audience, so without it you could run the risk of dissapointing your audience which could prove detrimental to the reputation of your artist.  

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