Wednesday 24 December 2014

Ancillary project: overall plans

In preparation for the production of my digipak I decided to make sure that I had a variety of choices in the font types, images, colours and design ideas that I'd be using. This was very useful to me as I was able to compare all my ideas and choose the ones that I felt would effectively and correctly enhance and  present my work properly.

Font type short list: 
  1. Myriad pro
  2. A dripping marker
  3. Times new roman 
  4. Copper plate gothic bold 
  5. Copper plate 
    Eventually, I was able to make a decision on the fonts I wanted to use and those were: Copperplate, myriad pro and A dripping marker. I chose these simply because they work well together and the first two mentoned suit the simplistic look I am going for. Despite the fact that the last font mentioned is more adventurous for the look i'm pursuing, i felt tht it would serve well in making the signiture of the artist stand out on the inside panel as it will be the only text visible when the album is opened. In order to make other information stand out in my digipak I will vary the font size according to the importance of the information. E.g: Artists name-large font size, Artist's website-smaller font size.
Colour short list:

I decided to come up with a few colour schemes that would possibly be used throughout my digipak and I chose to go with Black, Grey and White, I chose these colours because they compliment each other well, also they are the main colours in the moon idea which I am creating, however below i have posted the other choices:
  • A lake or a nature field
  • The artist himself
  • The moons cycle 

design ideas:
As for the design ideas for my digipak I decided against it as through research on various other alternative music artist's album covers and advertisements, I saw that the majority of them were simple with the artist as the main focus or the focus would be on an abstract image to represent the extent of the artist's creativity. However i did realise that in that circle of artists the more recognised and sought after artists are the ones with the abstract images on their covers.

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