Wednesday 17 December 2014

researching ancilary products: previous student work: Digipaks

Despite the fact that the music genre of rock isn't my most favoured, I genuinley like this piece of ancillary work, I think that the colours used are subtly placed in the image used so the loudesnt colours such as red and blue have been played down quite nicely throughout the images which can be hard to do because of their vibrancy. This person has been able to represent their group clearly through the image as well. This is smartly done as they would be seen as a niche rock band and so making themselves easily recognisable was essential for the success of their digipak if this were a real situation.This group throughout each piece of their ancillary work, have managed to incorperate the element of synergy in order to link each piece together well. this was done through the style of the images used with the three of them together and the design idea of the recurrent triangles in the background in white and grey. I had noticed that the designer of this ancillary work had only used one font type in their digipak however played around with the size of it according to the importance of the information being displayed, for exaple their band name is in the largest size compared to the track list which is at the back of their alum cover. I would say that this group have followed conventions in the sense of what is typicvally on an album cover for example the barcode, production company, tracklist, title and band name. As well as this, it looks as though they did a lot of research on independant rock bands and have portrayed their understanding through the instruments in the images, as they are typically associated with rock bands. Overall, i think that this ancillary work is a success as they have included all of what is to be expected whilst keeping it clear and simple and have made it unique to suit the style of their band.

10. Steven, Maria, Ella, Elinor from 283goswell on Vimeo.

As for this second peice of ancillary work Ithink it is really effective, this hasd been done over 6 panels which is intresting as it makes the buyer feel as though their is more to what it is they are buying rather than just the styandard 4 panelled album covers, this designer has given their buyers the oppurtunity to know more and to get extra information on the artist as well as value for their money. Moving on to the images used, I believe that they are simple and clear this designer has made relevant links throughout their digipak, and has even gone so far as to make a co-relation between the outfit the girl is wearing with the design elements of the digipak and have presented re-current triangles which is similar to the first groups design. On their work unlike the previous analysis this designer has used two different fonts throughout their digipak. Although this can be risky they were successful in making sure that they link and have used one of them to single out the artists name to make it stand out, and the other to communicate the rest of the information on the digipak. The colours used on this digipak are the bare minimum with most of it cming from the top the artist is wearing, this is effective because again it puts more emphasis on the artist and makes her the main focus above everything else. Intrestingly for this artist they have created two promotional posters which illustrate the artist herself and the relevant information linked to tour dates and the release of the album. Other information included are: magazine reviews, the actual album design image, the title of the album, artists name a barcode (linking to itunes) and a brit award it was noiminated for, which again adds to the value of the album. The genre of this artist is alternative pop and I feel that they were able to represent this properly thorugh their design as it is typicla for emphasis to be put on the artist themselves.

21. Khadeeja, Romy, Andreia, Luke from 283goswell on Vimeo.


28. Korima, Eli, Kellie, Sian from 283goswell on Vimeo.
Lastly, this designer has again put the main focus on their artist, their album cover has been done over 4 panels using one image to cover two -anels and another to do the same. I like this idea because it's simple and looks well thought out as she is on grassland in both images so their is a clear co-relation. Within this digipak no synthetic colours ahve been added to the images, as they have used the image to cover all the panels, as for the design elemnt of the digipak an elegant vine swirl like design has been pasted over the images on the album cover but doesnt feature on the promotional poster, which leaves the font type -which is also elegant-, her outfit and the surroundings in her images to pose as the synergetic elements throughout the ancillary work. Important information on the back of the album cover has been used for example: the barcode, the logo of the production company a tracklist and extra information on the copy write ownership and participating parties. Their poster is similar to the second analysis in the sense that similar information and ideas are used to promote their artists album for example the image of the actusla album icons to represent where you can dowload the album from, the artists name and title of the actual album.

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