My Digipak will be over 4 panels which includes the front cover, back and two inside panels, i decided to do this because it is the standard layout of an album and so through doing this i am able to show that i understand certain conventions and am able to follow them as well as challenge them which has been done within a few other projects produced whilst on this course. As for the album poster, this would be advertised in NME magazine, Q magazine and in and around train stations on advertising boards for people to look at when going up the escalators or waiting on a station platform. The running theme through my digipak is the moons cycle images. This is because where we have named the album after the artist, I thought that it would be interesting to include something that intrigues him as a person, which i found out was the ideas of space, consolations and planets, this further personalises the album as it is something meaningful to the artist.
This is the album poster I had created, i decided that the imgage i will use will be of iolo AKA-22, and him surrounded by to half moons on either side of him with a full moon in front of him, I decided to do this because of its simplicity and upon previous research a few alternative musically led album covers they either have strong emphasis on the artist or a recurrent abstract idea rather than glamour, and as iolo as an artist wouldnt be recognisable on a large scale i decided to go with emphasis on the artist to insure his exposure. Also incluided is the release date, image of the album cover, artists name and title. Below the featured song we made a music video to is displayed as well as statimg the fact that this is a 'debut album', the colours i will use on this poster will be black, white and grey to represent the state of space and to create the true likeness of the moon.
These are the outside panels for the album.As for this design idea the moon is again the link between all three parts of this ancillary work.the track list for this album cover, has been placed specifically in a row with the numbers beside them because I didnt want my album cover to be too conventional, i also like the simplicity of this layout. I have also included the logo of the record lable we are using, the barcode, artists website, copywrite information and participating parties information. On the front of the album cover I have decided to put in large letters above an image of the artists face the artist name, whihc puts emphasis on the artist himself once again whihcis the main focus for me.
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